'Select the spites in ms paint, go to the Resize and scew button, and type in 50 by 50.' (MAKE SURE YOU SELECT WITH THE SELECT TOOL).
Well As I was trying to make my own version of metal sonic, I found out a trick that puts those sprites at the appropriate size bit. When you first open it up, it seem fine at first but when you put in MS paint next some of the other sonic advance sprites, the sprites in the files might be a little too big. I'm sure some of you got the link to the 'second seelkding dude,' media fire link that has all the sprites from Sonic-Gather-Battle and maybe some of the newer ones too. Now I know what your thinking, NO this isn't another Leemena Dan Rant like what I did with the sonic sprites, Because as of now that topic is a dead horse, and I don't want to be one of the few that has to beat down even further.